Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Classroom Update

Hello Wonderful Second Grade Families,

In Writing the students will be working on writing informational paragraphs. The students will read a text and gather facts about a topic. The students will then write a paragraph that includes an introduction, facts, and a closing sentence.

In Reading the students will be working to read informational texts. The students will practice using the text features to gain additional information from the text. The students will also describe how a specific image or diagram contributes to the text. Finally, the students will compare and contrast the important points presented in two texts on the same topic.

We started our first Science unit this week. The students are very excited about starting Science. Unit 1 is called Earth's Processes. The students will be learning about different landforms and bodies of water on Earth. We will then explore changes to Earth's surface. These events can occur slowly or quickly.

Important Dates:
Nov. 15 - Parents invited to lunch - last name A-L
Nov. 15 - Report Cards go home
Nov. 16 - Parents invited to lunch - last name M-Z
Nov. 16 - PTA Fall Book Exchange
Nov. 21 - 2 hr Early Dismissal for Students
Nov. 22 - 23 - School Closed
Nov. 28 - Picture Makeup Day
Dec. 14 - 2 hr Early Dismissal for Students

Have a wonderful week!

Mrs. Sikora